Agricultures en transition

Vous êtes une start-up ? Votre solution accompagne l’innovation dans les filières agricoles ? Elle permet de développer des modèles plus durables, respectueux des hommes et de l’environnement ?

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 The organizer of the call for applications


Le Village by CA Nord de France, created and supported by Crédit Agricole Nord de France, supports the transformation of businesses in its territory. It is a unique innovation ecosystem where start-ups, large companies, research and training centers, investors, institutional players and innovation support structures cooperate and coexist. The Village is based on a place that reflects its image: 4,500 m² dedicated to innovation at the heart of EuraTechnologies in Lille. A place that brings together most of the 38 start-ups supported by the Village in their acceleration and development and which opens its doors and supports the players in its area in the organisation of energising and inspiring events, meetings or workshops.  

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 The partners of the call for applications


AgroParisTech is the institute for life and environmental sciences and industries, under the supervision of the ministries in charge of agriculture and higher education. As a player in higher education and research, this major international benchmark institution addresses the major challenges of the 21st century: feeding people by sustainably managing territories, preserving natural resources, promoting innovation and integrating the bio-economy. In its various centers throughout the country, the establishment uses research and its links with professional circles to train executives, engineers, PhDs and managers in the field of living organisms and the environment.

« Innovation, territorial transitions, bioeconomy and agricultural plurality are all key words and major subjects for AgroParisTech, which justifies the institution's strong involvement in this new call for applications and our partnership with the Village by CA Nord de France. »

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Bonduelle has set itself the goal of becoming the benchmark for good living through plant nutrition. In the face of environmental challenges, Bonduelle believes that plant foods are the solution to better and more sustainable nutrition for present and future generations, if only because they save natural resources. With this in mind, Bonduelle has chosen a new signature that expresses its convictions: nature, our future. Nature, because it is the roots and the heart of Bonduelle's business, and the future, because it is the promise Bonduelle makes to participate in the development of a better world through plant food.

« Agriculture is at the heart of Bonduelle's future concerns, and the group wants to mobilize and unite all the energies available for this agricultural transition. »

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Crédit Agricole Mutuel Nord de France is the leading banking partner for agriculture and the food industry on its territory and is part of the Crédit Agricole Group which supports 52 million customers worldwide.


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EDF, Europe's leading electricity company, is a high-performance and responsible player, championing low-carbon growth. We support our customers to help them consume less and better, thanks to electricity and innovative solutions and services.

« The call for applications is fully in line with our raison d'être and our desire to innovate in the service of carbon neutrality. Agriculture is an essential sector, in full transition and is therefore particularly concerned by climate and energy issues. This is even more true in the Hauts de France Region, France's leading agricultural region: our farmers account for half of national beet sugar production and grow nearly three-quarters of the potatoes for consumption.

It is because we believe that the energy transition is also taking place on our farmland, with innovative energy solutions, that we enthusiastically support and participate in this project. »

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A major player in agriculture in the Hauts-de-France region, the cooperative group Advitam, with a turnover of nearly 1.4 billion euros and 2,500 employees, covers the entire value chain from seed production to the distribution of finished products. It organizes its activity around 4 divisions:

  • the cooperative (Unéal)
  • the trading pole (Ternoveo) for agricultural professions towards non-cooperative farmers
  • distribution to the general public (Prise Direct', Gamm Vert) and specialized B to B
  • the machinery pole for trade and services in agricultural machinery

« Building together the agriculture of tomorrow on our territory is at the heart of the vision of Advitam, the leading agricultural cooperative group in the Hauts de France! »

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Since its creation at the beginning of the 20th century, IBM has been dedicated to innovation with the aim of making the world a better place. By combining technology and expertise, IBM is helping to give farmers access to more data (climatic, geospatial... available via our IBM PAIRS platform), in order to optimise the different phases of their activity: from planning, to sowing, spraying and harvesting.

« By 2050, the world will have to feed 2 billion more people without any increase in arable land. IBM is fully committed to making digital technology an essential lever for advancing practices and feeding tomorrow's population. This is why we are motivated to participate in the "Agricultures en Transition" initiative led by the Village by CA Nord de France. »

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Improve is an R&D center dedicated to the promotion of the proteins of the future. It contributes to the development of the protein industry by working on a wide range of raw materials such as plants, microorganisms or other animal sources for applications in food, feed, cosmetics and biomaterials.
With its 22 employees, the IMPROVE team can support its clients' projects by testing dry or wet fractionation processes to produce flours, concentrates, isolates or hydrolysates, by performing laboratory characterizations (composition, invitro digestibility, functional properties) or intellectual work such as scientific literature review, brainstorming sessions, training and audits.
Beginning in 2014, IMPROVE's activity has grown rapidly in Europe, North America, the Middle East and since 2019 in Asia.

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INRAE, the national institute for agriculture, food and the environment, is a finalised research institute resulting from the merger in 2020 between INRA and Irstea. INRAE brings together a community of 12,000 people, with 268 research, service and experimental units located in 18 centers throughout France. Through research, innovation and support for public policies, INRAE aims to offer new directions to accompany the emergence of sustainable agricultural and food systems, INRAE aims to provide solutions for life, people and the land.

« Let us develop innovative agricultural production systems to move towards better agronomic and environmental performances. Let us imagine together new food models from producer to consumer. »

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Junia, a school of transitions, contributes to the major issues: feeding the humanity, developing digital and industrial transformation, accelerating the energy and urban transition, strengthening health and well-being technologies.

The engineering school offers 8 preparatory cycles, 3 "grande école" programmes HEI, ISA and ISEN, research activities and services to companies. Junia has 5,000 students (including 530 apprentices) and 450 employees. It has 4 campuses: Lille (since 1885), Bordeaux, Châteauroux and Rabat.

« Agriculture in Transition", the call for applications of the Village by CA Nord de France, is completely in line with Junia's vision. Our top engineering school is a real "contrib'actor" in taking up this challenge and this is reflected in the training of responsible and innovative engineers, the development of our research expertise and with a strong anchorage in the world of business and entrepreneurship »

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IAR is the French Bioeconomy Pole of reference internationally. It brings together more than 400 members, from upstream agricultural activities to the marketing of finished products: agricultural cooperatives, research establishments and universities, companies of all sizes, public players, etc.

The IAR cluster works on all themes related to the production and valorisation of biological resources (agriculture, forests, marine resources, co-products and residues) for food, industrial and energy purposes.

Thanks to its members (active and innovative players across the entire value chain), IAR has supported more than 330 projects since 2005 for a total investment of €2 billion in the territories.

« The sustainability of agriculture is essential for the development of a sustainable bioeconomy in the territories. In this sense, IAR has been driving this dynamic for more than 15 years. »

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Limagrain is a co-operative group created and run by farmers. We select, produce and sell Field Seeds, Vegetable Seeds and Cereal Products.

Our mission is to advance agriculture in order to meet the world's food challenges while respecting our three values: progress, perseverance and cooperation.

From the territory of our parent company in France, we have become the world's 4th largest seed company and have deployed our activities in 56 countries, with one raison d'être: to cooperate for the progress of agriculture everywhere, for everyone.

« Let's develop innovative agricultural production systems to move towards better agronomic and environmental performance. Let's imagine together new food models from producer to consumer. »

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As the world leader in Quality of Life services, Sodexo aims to improve the "Quality of Life" of the 100 million consumers it serves every day.
In 2018, Sodexo was named one of FORTUNE magazine's "World's Most Admired Companies" for the eighth consecutive year.

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The Catholic University of Lille is a multidisciplinary university which associates Faculties, Grandes Ecoles, Colleges and Institutes in 6 disciplines.

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